Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at a very high speed and join to form a new type of atomic nucleus. Click here to know more about the nuclear fusion.

Nuclear Fusion

“Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at a very high speed and join to form a new type of atomic nucleus.”

Nuclear fusion is an important process in the production of nuclear energy. Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at a very high speed and join to form a new type of atomic nucleus. Before going to know about nuclear energy, it is important to know about atom.

What is an atom?

  • Atoms are the building blocks of universe.
  • They are very tiny particles.
  • Its very hard to imagine even its size.
  • The centre of atom is called nucleus.

Atom in detail

  • Atom is made of tiny particles called protons and neutrons.
  • Electrons circle around the nucleus in clouds, or shells, far from the nucleus.
  • When an atom is in balance, it has the same number of protons and electrons.
  • Atom can have a different number of neutrons.

Atom in detail

  • Electrons stay in their shells because a special force holds them.
  • Protons and electrons of atom are attracted to each other.
  • We say protons have a positive charge (+) and the electrons have a negative charge (-).
  • The electrons near the nucleus are held tight to the atom while sometimes the ones further out are not. These electrons can be made to move out of their orbits.

Atomic energy

  • Atomic energy is the energy released in the nucleus of the atom.
  • The energy released from an atom is very powerful.
  • Such atomic energy is used for many useful applications.
  • Apart from that atomic energy is also used for disaster purposes.
  • Energy can be released from an atom in two ways.

    • Nuclear fusion
    • Nuclear fission

Nuclear Fusion

  • When atoms are combined or fused together to form a new atom, then energy is released. This is called nuclear fusion.
  • It is an reverse process of nuclear fission.

Example for nuclear fusion

  • The best example for nuclear fusion is Sun.
  • It is well known that we get energy from sun. Do u know how??!!
  • Energy is produced from the sun when the Hydrogen atom undergoes fusion to form helium atoms.

Advantages of fusion power

Power stations using nuclear fusion have a number of advantages:

  • No carbon emissions. The only by-products of nuclear fusion reactions are free  from atmospheric pollution.
  • Abundant fuels.  Fuel needed for nuclear fusion last for millions of years.
  • Energy efficiency. One kilogram of nuclear fusion fuel can provide the same amount of energy as 10 million kilograms of fossil fuel.

More advantaged of nuclear fusion below

Advantages of fusion power

  • No long-lived radioactive waste. Only plant components become radioactive and these will be safe to recycle or dispose of conventionally within 100 years.
  • Safety. The small amounts of fuel is enough for nuclear fusion devices
  • Reliable power Nuclear Fusion power plants should provide a baseload supply of large amounts of electric energy, at costs that are estimated to be broadly similar to other energy sources.

Other types of Atomic Energy