Atomic Energy Act

Atomic Energy Act is a stock short title used for legislation in the UK and the US relating to atomic power. To more about the Atomic Energy Act can be digged out here. Click here to know more about the Atomic Energy Act.

Atomic Energy Act

The concept of atom has existed for many centuries. But in recent years, we began to understand the enormous power generated by atomic energy/nuclear energy Atomic Energy Act is a stock short title used for legislation in the UK and the US relating to atomic energy.

  • In the US, there are two federal laws known by the name:
  • The United States Atomic Energy Act of 1946 .
  • The United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954 
  • In the UK, there are two federal laws known by the name:
  • The Atomic Energy Act 1946 
  • The Atomic Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1981 
  • The Atomic Energy Act 1989 

Atomic Energy Act,1946

  • Atomic Energy Act, 1946 was determined by US federal government.
  • Atomic Energy Act, 1946 control and manage the nuclear development.
  • Atomic Energy Act, 1946 Act ruled that nuclear weapon development and nuclear power management would be under civilian, rather than military control.
  • Atomic Energy Act, 1946 established the US Atomic Energy Commission for the above mentioned purpose.

Atomic Energy Act,1954

  • Atomic Energy Act, 1954 states that “the fundamental U.S. law on both the civilian and the military uses of nuclear materials.”
  • Atomic Energy Act, 1954 covers the laws for the development, regulation, and disposal of nuclear materials and facilities in the US.
  • Atomic Energy Act, 1954  conduct, assist and foster research on atomic energy.
  • Atomic Energy Act, 1954 encourage scientific and industrial progress regarding atomic energy.
  • Te common defense and security and with the health and safety of the public is monitored by this Act.

Atomic Energy Act,1981

  • Atomic Energy Act ,1981 relates with the Extension of power of Atomic Energy Authority and Secretary of State to dispose of shares etc.

Important events in history of  atomic energy

  • In 1780 German scientist Martin Heinrich Klaproth discovers Uranium. That becomes the keystone of atomic energy.
  • In march 1986 French scientist Antoine Becquerel discovers radioactivity.
  • In 1934 Italian scientist Enrico Fermi shows that neutrons can split atoms.
  • In July 1939 Enrico Fermi and Leo Sziland propose a idea of nuclear reactor that uses Uranium fuel.
  • In December 1951, First electric energy from a nuclear power plant was produced in Arco,Idaho. It powers  four electric bulbs.
  • Finally world’s first commercial nuclear power plant opens in obninsk soviet union. It has 6 megawatt capacity.

Other types of Atomic Energy