Sun Energy Systems

Visit this site for interesting facts and information about Sun Energy Systems. Learn about Sun Energy Systems. Description together with definition of Sun Energy Systems.

Sun Energy Systems

Now, knowing about this solar or sun energy, we need to know how does it work? how does the sun give its energy to produce electricity? how does the sun help the solar heater to work without any intervention of any electricity? Initially i would say you all, for any work to be done the technology used is alone not important but how the technology is used along with its physical construction is also important. For example, if you love to ride the bicycle, and you been certified as an expert in cycling , is this alone enough to do cycling whenever you wish? No. Along with your knowledge of cycle you still need a cycle too, which will full fill your desire  to cycle.

Sun Energy Systems

Similarly, to convert the sun rays into solar energy , you need a solar equipment through which we could obtain the renewable energy source. The equipment needs a solar panel mainly. what is a solar panel? It is nothing but , modules which contains the photovoltaic cells that is made of silicon. silicon is nothing but the chemical element, represented by the symbol “Si” with its atomic number as 14. silicon is actually believed to be the eighth most popular and common element that is available in the earth. The earth’s crust is made with the majority composition of silicon(28%) and it is the second element in terms of mass in the earth’s crust. we could say that the silicon is available in the form of sand and dust.

Sun Energy Systems

Now, moving on to its working part, first the sun rays falls on the solar panel. The panel contains the photovoltaic cells, which is made of silicon.The word “photovoltaic” means gaining electricity from light.But what’s the process behind it? when the sun rays falls on the silicon present in the photovoltaic cell, the silicons get excited and gain energy from the rays of the sun-similarly how you would cheer up in a theatre when you see your favourite actor or actress. you would obviously raise your hands and start clapping. suddenly you seem to get energy by seeing your lovable character on the screen. Isn’t it? Same happens with the silicon when they meet with sun rays.

Sun Energy Systems

Now each silicon cell is in the excited state, that is in the energy state. Their energy helps to gain the electric voltage which is needed for any electrical instrument. the single silicons are now connected together at some point with the help of wires or channels and this point is referred as photovoltaic array. Array is nothing but collection of similar type of elements, here, collection of similar types of wires or channels. They are directed into one electrical fuse box. The electrical fuse box is termed as “fused array combiner”. Inside this box is an arrangement made for the protection of all the cables as independent and also a a group. This could be either used directly or connected to an inverter.

Sun Energy Systems

At this stage, the current produced is in the form of Direct current stage(DC). Now we need to convert this with the help of converter and attain the Alternating Current(AC). By this, we could use the current produced by the solar equipments in homes and for other domestic purposes.

Other types of Sun energy